3 Signs You May Need A Professional Mold Inspection

Mold can be a scary word. But if you're noticing a musty smell, discolored or damp walls, or black or white spots on your clothes, it's best to get the problem evaluated as soon as possible. Mold can lead to a variety of health problems, including allergic reactions, respiratory issues, and even cancer. It's always best to be proactive and take preventative measures, but if you do have a problem, don't worry, you can take steps to fix it. Here are some signs you may have a mold problem and what you should do about it.

Water Leakage

You may want to get a professional inspection if there are water leaks or a constant drip coming from your ceiling or walls. This could be a sign of a larger problem, such as a pipe that's about to burst or a water leak from an appliance. Water can cause mold to grow in a hurry, so if you notice water coming from an unexpected source, it's best to have it evaluated as soon as possible.

Stale Odor

Mold can cause a range of different smells, such as a sour smell or a musty odor. If you notice a distinct odor in your home, it's best to have it evaluated. If the mold is found, you can take steps to prevent it from recurring, such as cleaning your home regularly and keeping areas in your home that are prone to moisture and mold dry. If you're not sure if you have a mold problem, it's best to get a professional to inspect the area.

Dampness in the Home

When you think of humidity, you likely think of hot and sticky summer days. But humidity is also important when it comes to preventing mold growth. If you see that your home is constantly damp, you may have a mold problem. You can take steps to decrease humidity by opening windows and doors, turning on fans, and adding plants to your home. But if you notice mold growing in your home, talk to a professional about what to do next.

It can be a challenge to spot mold before it's a problem. But if you notice a musty smell, discoloration, or a constant drip coming from the ceiling, it's best to take action as soon as possible. Mold can cause a variety of health issues, including respiratory problems and allergies. It's best to get preventative measures in place, such as by having a professional mold inspector evaluate the source of the moisture. If you notice mold in your home, contact a professional to get the problem solved. 

For more information, contact a local mold inspector
