Six Things You Shouldn’t Assume About Dumpster Rentals

A dumpster rental can make work on your property more convenient and efficient. Don't make incorrect assumptions about dumpster rentals that will discourage you from taking advantage of this great waste disposal resource.

The following are six things you shouldn't assume about dumpster rentals.

Dumpster rental costs will be too high for your budget

Get a quote on a dumpster rental near you and you may find that it's much less costly than you expected. Chances are high that there is a dumpster rental service in your area offering rental costs that are within the budget of your cleanup or home improvement project. 

You can always get a dumpster rental at the last minute

It's best to plan ahead if you want to rent a dumpster for work on your property. This way, you'll have dumpster equipment available when you need it so that you can avoid delays in the progress of work on your property.

It's possible that dumpster rental services near you could have all available equipment rented out when you try to get a dumpster delivered to your site at the last minute. This is especially true during times of the year that are the high season for construction projects in your area. 

You can throw any waste in a rented dumpster

Your dumpster rental service might place some limits on the types of waste that you can dispose of in the dumpster equipment that you rent. Don't assume that you can dispose of potentially toxic substances in a rental dumpster.

If you have questions about what types of waste you can dispose of, be sure to discuss these questions with the dumpster rental company that you work with.  

A dumpster on your property won't look very nice

If you're concerned that placing a rental dumpster on your property will make your yard look run-down and ugly, you should consider the fact that a dumpster can organize waste in your yard. Without a rental dumpster, your yard might end up looking much sloppier if you have nowhere to put the waste. 

It doesn't matter what size dumpster you rent

The size of the dumpster you rent is important for numerous reasons. Usually, rental dumpsters are priced according to size. This means that you'll pay more than you have to if you rent a dumpster that's excessively large.

Carefully considering dumpster size also helps you to keep the worksite on your property organized and productive by avoiding excess equipment bulk that limits the amount of open space you have available to work in. 

A dumpster rental can cause damage to your yard or driveway

Some people think that a dumpster will necessarily cause ditches when placed on grass or scratches and cracks when placed on the pavement in a driveway.

However, you can discuss protecting your yard and driveway with your rental dumpster service. Your rental service can help you to find ways to protect the ground on your property and avoid any damage to asphalt, concrete, or grass surfaces on which your dumpster is placed. 

Reach out to a dumpster rental provider to learn more.
