Things To Know About Septic Tank Pumping Frequency

If you've never owned a house with a septic system before, one of the first things you'll probably want to know is when you should pump the tank. It's a good idea to have the tank and system inspected before you buy a house, and the inspector can let you know if the tank is full and needs to be pumped out soon. Here are some other things you may want to know about the frequency of septic tank pumping.

The Frequency Depends On Tank Size And Waste

Septic tanks come in different sizes. If you happen to have a large tank, you won't need to pump it as often as you would if you own a small tank. However, the amount of waste that goes down your septic tank is a big factor in how often you need septic tank pumping. If you live alone or if you conserve water and watch what you flush down the drains, you can stretch out the length of time between cleanings.

A Tank That Fills Too Slowly Might Be A Bad Sign

It's better to have your tank pumped out on a schedule as determined by your septic pumping contractor rather than waiting until you see signs of a full tank. That's because your tank might never get too full if the tank is leaking. The tank could also be draining solids into the drainfield and that will ruin the drainfield in time.

If your tank is leaking, you need to know it and have repairs done promptly. If it seems like you've gone a long time since having your tank pumped, call a septic tank pumping company to measure the solids in your tank and see if there is a problem that's letting the tank contents drain out.

Sewer Odors Could Mean The Tank Is Too Full

When you own a septic tank, it's important to stay alert to problems that cause the tank to back up, get clogged, or leak because the tank isn't pumped in time. A change in the power of the toilet flush could indicate the tank is getting full. You could even smell sewer odors in your house or in your yard. If you happen to see lush, thick grass over the tank or drainfield, that's a sign of a problem.

Call a septic tank pumping company to empty your tank and check it for leaks and clogs. One bad result of letting the tank get too full is that the baffles and other parts in the septic system could get clogged and not allow wastewater to flow through or sewage to enter the tank. Pumping out your tank on schedule can prevent some of these problems.

Contact a contractor if you have questions about septic tank pumping
