Your Questions Answered About Clogged Toilets

Are you having a tough time unclogging the toilet in your house with a plunger? Rather than taking the risk of your toilet overflowing and causing a toxic mess, hire a professional to resolve the toilet backup. The reason general plungers are sometimes unable to unclog toilets is that they are not powerful enough to push large amounts of solid waste through the plumbing lines. Feces can get stuck to the interior edges of the plumbing lines, which makes it difficult for waste to pass through each time the toilet is flushed. Sometimes a toilet might stop flushing due to it being worn out, which is why you should hire a professional to inspect and resolve the problem.

Figuring Out What Caused the Toilet to Clog Up

A professional can resolve the problem with a clogged toilet by pinpointing the cause of the clog. Sometimes feces isn't the reason for a toilet clogging up, which means that using a general plunger might not work. For example, if a child tried to flush a toy down the toilet, it is possible that the toy got stuck and is blocking waste from being flushed. It is also common for people to use too much toilet paper and clog up the toilet by trying to flush it all. By inspecting your toilet and the plumbing lines, a professional will know which unclogging method is most likely to resolve the problem.

Manually Unclogging Plumbing Lines

One perk of hiring a professional is that they will be able to manually unclog your plumbing lines if it is necessary. For example, if there is something other than waste or toilet paper clogging up a line, manual removal can prove to be the most successful. The line in question will be located and taken apart. The object that is clogging up the line and causing the toilet to backup can then be manually removed. Sometimes temporarily removing a toilet is necessary to locate and remove objects as well.

Toilet Problems Caused by the Main Sewer Line

A common cause for a toilet to back up is for the main sewer line to become clogged up. In such a case, it is not likely that using a general plunger in the toilet will work. A professional will need to unclog the main sewer line, which can be done by using the hydro jetting method. Hydro jetting involves shooting a stream of powerful water into the main sewer line to break up and remove debris.
