Save Money on Industrial Trash Services

Every industry generates waste, and waste services cost a lot of money. Every industry needs to consider ways to reduce costs, and you can save on trash services (and impress your boss) by following these simple tips. 

Use a Trash Compactor

There are a variety of reasons to consider utilizing a trash compactor at the workplace. The first being that you won't have to pay as much in trash services. A trash compactor will reduce the volume of waste you produce, and this means that you won't have to have your trash picked up as often. With less trash, you will notice that there aren't as many foul odors or mess. You also won't have to have employees taking out the trash as often, allowing them to focus on the job at hand. Finally, strangers won't be able to throw their trash into your dumpster to use your trash services. 

There are two types of trash compactors: stationary compactors and self-contained compactors. The best thing about self-contained compactors is that they won't leak. This makes them perfect for industries that dispose of a lot of liquid waste. Stationary compactors allow for quick transfer of receiver boxes. 


A surprising 90% of waste at the workplace can be recycled. However, most items are thrown in the trash with the regular garbage. Encourage recycling to not only lower trash service costs but to also help the environment. Items that can be recycled include:

  • plastic bottles
  • glass
  • paper
  • cardboard
  • ink cartriges
  • metal

For the best results, try separating each item. You also want to get everyone in the office involved. Start small as to not overwhelm people with the new recycling plan and train employees how to recycle properly. Make recycling bins easily accessible (possibly even closer than the regular trash can), and hopefully you can encourage other people in the workplace to get involved in other ways as well.

Your company may even qualify for tax discounts with your new recycling program! 

Limit Your Waste

Lower your trash service costs by simply lowering the amount of waste generated at the workplace. If possible, go paperless and store files digitally. Not only will you reduce the amount of paper in your trash, but you'll also make your files more accessible. You can also encourage employees to use reusable cups instead of paper cups or water bottles. Finally, look for ways to cut down on packaging and other materials throughout the workday. 

For more information, contact sanitation services like Powell's  Trash Service.
